[읽기 방법]동사를 찾아라!
읽기가 중요하다고 했지만, 처음에는 쉽지 않다. 특히, 동사와 동사가 아닌 것의 형태가 비슷해 구분하는 게 어렵다.
ex)run-ran(과거동사)-run(과거분사), running(동명사)-running(현재분사)
완벽하게 해석하기 어렵다면, 몇 가지 단계를 거쳐서 읽기를 연습할 필요가 있다. 특히, 한국어와 달리 문장의 중간에 나오는 동사와, 동사와 비슷하지만 동사가 아닌 것들을 구분해 보면, 문장을 보는 눈이 상당히 높아진다.
* ‘현재분사(-ing), 과거분사(-ed), 관계대명사 안의 동사’까지 함께 구분해 봅시다.
- I like(동사) her because she is(동사) pretty.
- I like(동사) her, but she hates(동사) me.
영어 문법에서는 ‘주어와 동사’가 한 문장에 1개만 있다고 설명한다. 하지만, 애매모호한 경우가 많다.
→ ‘문장+문장’의 구조에서는 동사가 2개 존재한다고 볼 수도 있기 때문이다.
(특히, 콤마로 연결되어 있는 경우)
→ 문법에 개의치 말고, 해석상 ‘동사’라고 생각하는 단어는 모두 찾아보자!
오늘의 지문
- Jurassic World
출처:위키피디아(Jurassic world's plot)
- 링크: Jurassic world
※최근, 가장 흥행하고 있는 영화를 일부러 골랐습니다. 지루함을 피하고, 기본적인 배경지식이 있는 상태에서 읽으면 훨씬 수월하기 때문입니다.
- 줄거리(plot)에, 결말의 내용까지 모두 포함되어 있네요.(^^;) 볼거리 위주라 내용은 뻔합니다. 스포일러가 싫다면, 꼭 영화를 감상한 후 내용을 읽어주세요!
Twenty-two years after the incident at Jurassic Park, a theme park populated with cloned dinosaurs, Jurassic World has opened on Isla Nublar. Brothers Zach and Gray Mitchell are sent there to visit their aunt, Claire Dearing, the park's operations manager. Claire's assistant is their guide, as Claire is too busy recruiting corporate sponsors with a new attraction, a genetically-modified dinosaur called Indominus rex, designed by the genetics company, InGen. The dinosaur was created using the DNA of several predatory dinosaurs and modern-day animals; Dr. Henry Wu, the chief geneticist, keeps the exact genetic makeup classified.
Owen Grady trains the park's four Velociraptors who consider him as their alpha. Vic Hoskins, head of InGen security, believes raptors can be trained for military use, but Owen disagrees. Simon Masrani, the owner of Jurassic World, has Owen evaluate the Indominus ' enclosure before the attraction opens. Owen warns Claire that the Indominus is particularly dangerous because it is not socialized to other animals, due to it being raised in isolation.
Owen and Claire discover that the Indominus has seemingly escaped. Owen and two staff enter the enclosure, but the Indominus ambushes them, having faked its escape by masking its thermal image. Only Owen survives before the Indominus disappears into the island's interior. Masrani sends the Asset Containment Unit to capture the dinosaur alive, but after most team members are killed, Claire orders an evacuation.
Gray and Zach, having sneaked away to explore, ignore the evacuation order and wander into the forest in a gyrosphere. The Indominus attacks the vehicle but they escape. They find the ruins of the original Jurassic Park Visitor Center, and after repairing an old Jeep, drive back to the main park. Owen and Claire trail them after barely escaping the Indominus themselves. The Indominus continues its rampage, killing several Apatosaurus and breaking into the park's pterosaur aviary. Masrani and two troopers hunt the Indominus by helicopter, but a collision with the escaping pterosaurs causes them to crash, killing everyone aboard. Gray and Zach arrive at the main park as pterosaurs attack the visitors. They are reunited with Claire as Owen and armed troopers subdue the pterosaurs.
Hoskins assumes command and decides to use the raptors to kill the Indominus; Owen reluctantly agrees. The raptors track the Indominus ' scent into the jungle. However, the Indominus, having raptor DNA, communicates with the raptors and turns them against the humans. Hoskins has Dr. Wu helicoptered off the island with the dinosaur embryos, protecting his research. Owen, Claire, and the boys find Hoskins in the lab packing up the remaining embryos. As Hoskins unveils his intention to create more genetically-modified dinosaurs as weapons, a raptor breaks in and kills him.
Running outside, Owen, Claire, and the boys are cornered by the raptors. Owen reestablishes his bond with them before the Indominus appears. The raptors attack the Indominus, which kills two raptors. Realizing they are outmatched, Claire lures the park's veteran Tyrannosaurus rex into a fight with the Indominus. The T. rex is overpowered until the lone surviving raptor reappears and attacks. The raptor and the T. rex force the Indominus towards the lagoon, where it is dragged underwater by the park's resident Mosasaurus.
The next day, the survivors are evacuated to the mainland. Zach and Gray are reunited with their parents, while Owen and Claire decide to stay together.
* 아래를 펼쳐 주세요!